A newly found Shakespare phoem about Gordon Brown.

To Mister Gordon Brown.
Downing street 10,

Dear Mr. Gordon Brown.

I found on my desk this poem which I belive your famous William Shakespare put there with his spirit for me to send to you. So here you have it Mr. Brown.

Gordon Brown is a clown,
corrupt and greased.
He will take his party down.
His career is deceased.

He is a bully and bitch,
careless and boring.
When I hear him I itch,
until next morning.

You think you are clever and cool,
but you are just a fool.
Full of bullshit and lies,
I can see it in your eyes.

The Brits lost theyr money
to Icesave and Edge offshore.
Because they always obey,
when greed says; More! More!

You blame it on Iceland,
thats your own scandal.
There are bankers to blame,
they played the wrong game.

You used the terrorist act,
but thats not the worst,
because still it´s a fact,
your money is forever lost.

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